Jun 27, 2003

"If they ever start selling ignorance, I want first drilling rights to your head."

"You don't always get what you want, you don't always get what you want, you don't always get what you want, but if you try, sometimes, you just might find you get what you need."

Jun 24, 2003

A friend of RFWa came in from CA. Wants him to try the Mayo clinic. They did a liver transplant on a friend of his three yesrs ago. Cancer. He's doing fine. They did a "partial" trasplant using tissue from the guy's daughter. She was back up to full liver tissue in 4 weeks. I encouraged RFW to make the call. I reminded him however that because he has cancer of the liver, he will still not be able to get a liver from the organ pool, he'll have to have a donor. I also reminded him that a freind with O+ has already offered to furnish the needed tissue. I recommended that he be sure to remember that when he calls Mayo as I suspect they will not even talk to him unless he can provide his own donor.

Fishook George had a rough couple of days. Apparently he swam the river to play with some people who were wading and playing on the sandbar across from us. He then wandered away and di not find his way home. RFW and DW found him in a neighbor's yard up the road. He was glad to be found and stayed alful close to DW all day Monday. The prodigal dog may have well learned a valuable lesson.

Jun 20, 2003

Well the no-braiiner was a no-dealer. House already sold when I got ready to make an offer.
Good to remember "The Rule"
Everything that happens is supposed to happen, and everything that is supposed to happen, happens.
I think Peggy Lee did the song or was it Doris Day? K sarah sarah, or some such.
So, time to move on. Look for a lot or a couple of acres and buld MY dream house on the banks of the Brazos. No rush, I'll probably not be able to retire until I'm in my eighties.
Saw the Eagles last night in concert at the AA center in Dallas. Incredible show. I thought Joe Walsh stole the show. Henley was his usual personable self. No smiles and sort of perturbed at having to do this performance thing in his own neighborhood I suppose. Walsh made his guitar(s) glow and his voice, well it was the same melodious assault on the ears.
RFW continues to do well, all things considered. Back to Dallas at Baylor Med Center to try an experimental thalidomide treatment next week. Prolong is the program.
Fishhook George continues to terrorize the Rio Road settlement. An adolescent male Labrador Retriever is an amazingly complex and persistent machine designed for mastication of virtually every, any and all inanimate object left within his reach. He eats hats, shoes, porches, fishing poles, boxes, firewood, frisbees, grass, any and all clothing he finds that is within his reach and not currently occupied by a human, but not chew toys or rawhide bones provideed for his amusement.

Jun 12, 2003

For a no-brainer, this one is dragging out.
Looks like I can buy the Dr.'s house for a reasonable price and get the Dr.'s widow to carry the note.
In-Laws still need care, B in Law still lives 15 min. away, The Brazos is still 55 min. away.
We're in town every day, for work.

More rain, in June, in Texas.......

We toured the River House yesterday evening...... Small, very nice, well built, not much closet space, would require a storage building, it's just a matter of deciding what to do.

Oh well...........................................................................................................................

Jun 9, 2003

The house at the river that is for sale has a contract on it, my refuge is sold, unless I step in and beat the offer, time is up, and it is time to decide how we live the rest of our lives.
We have responsibilities to others, family and friends. We have things pulling us to stay here, in town and maintain our availability for those who need from us.
We also have responsibilities to ourselves, to take back our lives and live for a while for ourselves.
It's a no-brainer isn't it?

Jun 6, 2003

Time and the weather. That's whats going on today. Second day of rain, in June, in Texas, that is news.

Jun 3, 2003

Last Saturday Morning: on the way to Love Field to catch a flight South to attend a funeral:

Most of my life I've bemoaned the fact that God has steadfastly refused to reveal himself to me. I postulated that if God really wanted me, and others, to acknowledge and accept his Glory and Might, he'd give us a sign, a real sign, BIG, NEON, flashing in the sky, Christmas Eve every year, or on Good Friday, or Easter morning, proclaiming his omnipotence with a message, in all the languages, something clear and to the point, like, "I'm the Almighty God, creator of the universe and King of Kings. You, and all you have, and all you know, you have and know at my pleasure." But, for over 50 years, no sign, nothing, nada, kaput.

Last Saturday morning, driving East I realized the signs had been there, all along, but invisible to my closed eyes and heart. I rose before dawn to catch a flight to Houston and for whatever reason, God set the sign in the heavens for me. As I made my way East, the ebony of the night sky eased into sapphire and steel gray clouds appeared as broad strokes splashed upon the bluing canvas of the sky. A few miles further and the horizon glowed lavendar and orange. As the bright orange disc of the sun slowly inched over the edge a raging inferno burst across the east and the steely clouds grew brilliant silver halos. So, on this Sabbath morn the signs were evident, my eyes were open and my heart permitted, and God's power and glory were there, for me to see or not, for me to hear, or not, and I saw and heard.